Get the Word into your Spirit, Body, and Life; become subject to the Power of God’s Word
I am what the WORD says I am.
I can do what the WORD says I can do.
I’m a Believer.
I believe everything I say comes to pass.
The reason I believe is because God’s WORD says it.
I am a Believer; therefore all things are possible unto me.
I can do all things through God’s anointing which strengthens me.
He is in me and I am in Him.
He is my intense expectation of Glory.
I have faith imparted unto me in my re-born spirit, I have it!
It is Heavenly substance and it is in me now, I stir it up, and I release it.
I understand from the Bible that it is the faith of Jesus Christ.
Temple of Light Global Church,
Our homes, and our families
Have an abundance of finances.
We are wealthy.
We are prosperous.
We are debt free.
In Jesus name