“The level of power in the service at TEMPLE OF LIGHT CHURCH is God sent!”
Since being under the leadership of Pastors Roy and Anna Shears, I have seen the manifest of the Lord in my life more than ever before. I mean, I can actually feel his anointing come down and fill the space of wherever I am at that moment. Because of the teaching that Pastor Shears brings to us, he makes you want to have a relationship with God. If you receive the words from the Lord that are spoken through our pastors, you want to know who God is and all that he can do for you. I thank God for covenant. I thank God for relationship. I thank God for favor. Just the other day, I was laying my children in bed and I FELT the spirit of the Lord come in the room and He said, " Go walk around the house." .So I got up and I looked around the house It was so amazing to me because my home looked different. It's kind of hard to explain but it just looked different. God began to speak to me, and I began to listen. He told me that I need to know who I am. I am His child. He said He had favor over my life. He said that I wasn't broke cause all my bills were paid. He said I didn't have a Cadillac but all my cars are running and in good condition. My children have no illnesses but are alive and doing great. He said ," YOU ARE MY CHILD!! KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!" I began to go in a praise in my house, thanking God for who He was and thanking Him for speaking to me, thanking Him for a connection, thanking Him for His favor, thanking Him for His grace and mercy, His love! I had tears in my eyes and my son asked me why was I sad. I had to explain to Him that I was happy because God is good to us. My testimony is God is so great and I just thank Him for one-on-one relationship. That just stayed in my spirit. How blessed we are that we can talk to God on our own. We can go straight to Him without having to depend on anyone else! Hallelujah!! How great is our God! How great is His love!! If you don't know who this man is, baby, you have no idea what you're missing! He is great! He is merciful!
He is marvelous, and I thank Him for being all and everything that I could even imagine that I needed!! Thank you Jesus!!